Air Pro Jet導入記念キャンペーン
青木 晃先生監修のダイエット外来
青木 晃先生監修のAGA・FAGA治療


ABOUTProcedure Overview

Procedure Duration 30-60 minutes
Treatment Interval Every 3-4 weeks, approximately 6-12 sessions
Pain ★★☆☆☆ (Individual differences may apply)
Cleansing Possible immediately after the procedure
Shower Possible immediately after the procedure
Makeup Possible immediately after the procedure
Anesthesia None

PRICEPrice List

Full Face ¥33,000

Stellar M22

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment using the Stellar M22 device is designed to improve conditions such as hyperpigmentation, freckles, dullness caused by photoaging, as well as redness due to vascular dilation. The treatment involves multiple sessions to achieve the desired improvement.

The Stellar M22 device used in our clinic is equipped with a variety of filters that can be attached to the tip. These filters allow us to customize the intensity of light (wavelength) based on specific skin concerns. With this customization, the device enables double illumination on the entire face in a single treatment session.


Recommended for individuals who

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Freckles
  • Enlarged pores
  • Redness
  • Facial flushing
  • Desire for improved firmness
  • Desire for refined skin texture
  • Fine lines
  • Melasma
  • Acne
  • Acne scars

FLOWTreatment Process

  1. STEP1Consultation and Examination

    A consultation and examination will be conducted by a physician.

  2. STEP2Cleansing and Facial Cleansing

    We will thoroughly remove makeup, creams, and other products through cleansing and facial cleansing.

  3. STEP3Application of Gel

    To protect the skin and prevent any discomfort, a cooling gel will be applied, and tape will be placed on the eyebrows and hairline.

  4. STEP4Treatment

    The IPL will be applied to the skin. You may experience a sensation similar to a camera flash and a slight discomfort similar to being flicked with a rubber band.

  5. STEP5Cleansing and Skincare

    You can proceed with cleansing your face and applying makeup immediately after the treatment.


・Please ensure to protect yourself from UV radiation.
・Immediately after the treatment, you may experience a slight stinging sensation or redness, which may last for a few hours.
・It is possible to experience dry skin after the treatment, so it is recommended to moisturize your skin.
・Results may vary from person to person.
・The treatment may not be suitable for everyone, and it is subject to the physician's assessment.
・Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should refrain from undergoing the treatment.
・If you have received any other cosmetic procedures within the past month, please inform the practitioner, as it may affect your eligibility for the treatment.

※For further details, please contact the clinic directly.
