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Well-Aging Outpatient Clinic
(Special Clinic by Dr. Aoki)

Dietary Outpatient Clinic

Dietary Health Check-up

The causes of weight gain vary from person to person. After examining genetic factors, we diagnose the issues related to the four pillars of dieting: “nutrition,” “exercise,” “metabolism,” and “autonomic nervous system.” Based on this diagnosis, we create a customized diet plan for you.

Healthy Longevity Outpatient Clinic

Anti-Aging Check-up

Internal medicine-based anti-aging (gerontology) is a preventive medicine for promoting healthy longevity. It aims to examine your internal age and vulnerabilities related to aging, such as oxidative stress, glycation stress, and immune function. Based on these findings, it provides an optimal well-aging program tailored to your specific needs.

Petit Disease Outpatient Clinic

Quality of Life Check-up

Do you have any concerns such as chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, abnormal bowel movements (constipation/diarrhea), chronic headaches, coldness, swelling, or skin issues? Despite undergoing various examinations under health insurance, you may have received a diagnosis of “no abnormalities.” However, you still feel something is not quite right with your health. We will diagnose the underlying causes of these minor ailments and discomforts, known as “Petit Disease” or “Petit Discomfort.”

Inner Beauty Outpatient Clinic

Inner Beauty Check-up

In the field of cosmetic dermatology, simply removing spots or blemishes won’t prevent them from reappearing if your daily lifestyle is imbalanced. We analyze your lifestyle and provide guidance on aspects such as diet, exercise, and sleep, along with prescribing suitable inner beauty supplements, injections, or intravenous treatments to enhance your overall well-being.

Supplement Clinic

Supplement Check-up

We will address all your concerns regarding supplements, such as ‘Are the supplements I am currently taking really suitable for me?’ and ‘I want to try supplements, but I don’t know what to take and how.’

I want to use personalized custom-made supplements that suit me.

I would like to know if the supplements I am currently using are suitable for me.

I would like to have the compatibility of medications and supplements checked.

By Concern

Liver spots, freckles, dullness


Redness and Facial Flushing


Skin Diagnosis

Well-Aging Comprehensive Testing and Measurements

Beauty Drip


By Device

Home Care Outpatient

We have carefully selected supplements and cosmetics that allow you to easily perform beauty care at home. 

Home Care Outpatient